June 14, 2022

India unites to celebrate World Bicycle Day 2022

World Bicycle Day gives us an opportunity to renew our commitment towards cycling, to build more partnerships and to think big for the days that are going to come before us. Let us realise that the magnitude we are dealing with in our cities is immense. Therefore, whatever we are doing at the moment has to scale-up.

Let this be the year when your city comes out on top as far as bold, future-oriented, citizen-centric policies are concerned. Let us work as a team to make this a cycling year for our country.

Kunal Kumar, Joint Secretary and Mission Director, Smart Cities Mission, Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs

On June 3rd 2022, India celebrated World Bicycle Day akin to a nationwide festival. People across all genders & ages—women, children, and elderly—came riding fearlessly on their cycles and took over their streets. Over 50 cities from all over the country brought communities together for cycle rallies, women-only cycle rides, cyclothons, and much more.

Cities across the nation hosted several events for citizens to get them pedalling!

Thousands of citizens and city leaders cycled as part of the ‘One-day Cycling Challenge’, and committed to cycle more—for work, errands, and for health! For the first time, over 40 cities conducted knowledge-sharing sessions for citizens to embrace cycling. Cities also pledged to institutionalise campaigns, adopt progressive policies, and set systems to create a safe walking and cycling environment for all. These cycling celebrations were not just for a day, but continued across the entire week, from the 3rd to the 10th of June!



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