August 10, 2014

Pre-Feasibility Study for BRT in Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh

With a population of over 6.38 million in the city of Hyderabad and a significant portion of this population concentrated in the city core, Hyderabad is a fast growing city. Alarming trends in rising modal share of private vehicles and a decline in public transport share, if unchecked could lead to severe congestion & traffic snarls in the city. As a result, this would be an optimum time for the city to consider and develop other mass transit options.

This report weighs mass transit options along 3 central corridors with a potential to expand to 9 other corridors in the future. Recommendation for BRT as a feasible option is made through the analysis of existing traffic, mode shift impacts and demand estimates as well as financial viability of the system. Impacts of the BRT system on traffic reduction and emission control is presented along with future steps to be taken, all of which could transform Hyderabad into a livable, walk-able, congestion free city.


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