June 05, 2023

COVID Response: Post-lockdown Guidelines for Bus Operation

Designed by: Aishwarya Soni
Guidelines prepared by: Anuj Dhole, Kawin Kumaran, Vaishali Singh, Sivasubramaniam Jayaraman

The COVID-19 outbreak has posed unprecedented challenges for public bus users and service providers. To help build their resilience during this pandemic, ITDP India Programme has prepared a simple step-by-step guidelines document for the public bus service providers in India– providing recommendations to ensure the smooth and safe functioning of our city bus services. With a fleet of 1.4 lakh buses, the public bus services in India serve nearly 7 crore passengers everyday and operate over 1645 crore km annually. These guidelines will help them bounce back after the lockdown and serve the people safely.

Designed by: Aishwarya Soni
Guidelines prepared by: Anuj Dhole, Kawin Kumaran, Vaishali Singh, Sivasubramaniam Jayaraman

Post-COVID lockdown

Guidelines for Bus Operation

Post-COVID lockdown

Guidelines for Bus Operation


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