[Webinar] IRC Guidelines on Urban Road Network Planning

ITDP India Programme is part of the H8 Committee on Urban Roads and Streets, that was constituted in the year 2015 to prepare street design guidelines for urban roads.

Watch the ITDP team talk about:
  1. Planning and Development of Urban Roads and Streets (Sonal Shah, Senior Programme Manager, ITDP)
  2. IRC BRT Guidelines (Pranjali Deshpande-Agashe, Programme Manager, ITDP)
  3. IRC 70: Guidelines for Regulation and Control of Mixed Traffic (Parin Visariya, Research Associate – Urban Development, ITDP).
The webinar provides information on road hierarchy and network planning, pedestrian and cycling facilities, on-street parking management, and BRT guidelines.
The webinar recording can be found here.


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